Removable Brewery Immersion Heater PIR Range
- Designed to enable removal of the entire heater to make cleaning easier
- Totally bespoke to suit unusual tanks and applications.
- 7-10 working day leadtime, though quicker turnaround can be arranged.
- Allows us to select an element that maximises the amount of heating surface area in your available space, thus
- reducing the watt density to be as low as is possible, thus
- minimising how much scale sticks to your element, thus
- making it easier to clean, thus
- maximising its working life
- Supplied with tank ferrule which will require fitting to your tank.
- All the other beneifits and features of our PII Range
Please email for a quotation.
Alternative Brewery Immersion Heater.
- Heavy Duty Industrial Immersion Heater – PIH Range (4.5kW to 24kW),
- Industrial Immesion Heater – PII Range (1kW to 24kW)
- Brewery Immersion Heater – PIB Range (Any Kw Rating)
- Calorifier and Brewery Immersion Heater – PCAB Range (9kW to 18kW)