Each of our ranges of stock brewery heater has pros and cons for our favourite customers, you lovely brewers, who bring happiness and hangovers to us all.
Stock Brewery Heater Options.
- PII Range Industrial Immersion Heater. 8mm incoloy 800 elements. Alloy IP67 terminal box. 2.25″BSP. The shorter lower watt density elements make them better suited to the HLT..
- PIH Range Heavy Duty Immersion heater. 16mm S/S 316 elements. Alloy IP65 terminal box. 2.25″BSP. Huge, thick elements, therefore lower watt density, but no gap between elements for cleaning purposes, so best for HLT. Some brewers insist on them, despite the higher costs.
- PCAB Range for Calorifiers and the brewing industry. 10mm incoloy 800 elements. ABS IP65 terminal box. 2.25″BSP. Designed specifically with the kettle in mind, great gaps between the elements for cleaning wort/hops off between brews. May be too long if space is an issue, 18kw needs a meter.
These 3 ranges allow us to cover most requirements. You pay me one day, you get your heaters next day via DPD Local. DPD Local will text/email you with a 1 hour time delivery slot so you can build your day, or book your electrician, accordingly. If you are not in a rush, or are starting from scratch, or are perhaps that rarest of breeds The Rich Brewer, you may wish to consider our other bespoke options which have a 2 week leadtime
Bespoke Brewery Heater Options.
- PIB Range – PII Range bent in such a way that the upward legs of the elements spread outwards after insertion through the screwplug. This optimises heat dispersal and eases access for cleaning purposes.
- PIR Range – The Pièce De Résistance of brewing technology, removable between brews due to a DN80 triclover clamp arrangement. Clean on a bench, jetwash in a bath. Leave overnight in a tube of your favourite cleaning tipple, then blast it in the morning with a steam cleaner. It’s your choice. More costly and will require a tank ferrule to be fitted to replace 2.25″ BSP fittings. Or you can screw in a 2.25″ BSP to DN80 adaptor if you don’t have a fabricator to hand. The hole can be blanked off with a blanking plate for CIP. BUT, if you value your time as highly as I do, and if you dislike cleaning as much as my wife does, it’s got to be worth it in the long run. Which should be a very long run, as it’ll be like putting new heaters in for every brew.